Day 7




You're Almost There!

Today is day 6 and you are just one day away from launching your blog! Are you excited? I hope so, because today we will start building your list!

What is an Email List?

An email list or subscribers list is a list of people who agree to give you their email address and give you the permission to contact them from time to time with either your newly published content or product recommendations.

Why Should You Build One?

  • Traffic: when you have a list of subscribers, you have traffic on demand. The bigger your list is, the more traffic your blog will get. It’s basically as if you were opening a traffic tap.
  • Making money with your blog: your subscribers are eventually going to become your fans if you treat them right, through a good email marketing strategy, and they will eventually listen to you and follow your recommendations. When they start knowing, liking and trusting you, they will definitely buy from you.

Tools You Will Need:

A Lead Magnet:

This is what you are going to offer to your potential subscribers in return for their email address. This could be a free gift like a mini e-book, a checklist, a free course, or even your newsletter subscription. It needs to be of value and it needs to be free. If you don’t know what to offer as a lead magnet, watch my video below:

An Autoresponder:

This is a software you will use to collect email addresses and be able to send emails to your subscribers whenever you want. An autoresponder automates the whole process. Here are the autoresponders I recommend:


This service costs $19 per month for the first 500 subscribers, then it goes up to $29 etc. You can however try it for 30 days for free and see if you like it. Click the image below to claim your free 30-day trial:

Get Response:

GetResponse is slightly cheaper than Aweber. Also, the advantage is that you pay only $15.00 per month up to 1,000 subscribers. It does save you some money. You can get a free 30-day trial with Get Response too. Click the image below here to claim your 30-day Free trial. 

I have used both of them and I like both. There a few differences in pricing, but they are both great services. 

You can try both and see which one you like better. You can always switch autoresponders at a later stage.

Optional: A page builder:

You want to be able to build a landing page or a squeeze page.

A squeeze page is a page that has only one purpose: to collect people’s email addresses. The better your squeeze page, the better your chances are to collect emails. My favorite page builder is Elementor. It offers a lot of features and is very cost-effective. 

Click here to see what a squeeze page looks like.

It also has a free version that, although a bit limited, offers a lot of cool features.

Click here to check out Elementor. 

Today Was a Bit Long

I know today’s tasks were a bit demanding, but don’t fret. You can follow this course at your own pace. The most important thing is that you take action.

If you have any questions at all, please leave me a comment below.

Tomorrow is day 7 and you will finally be able to launch your blog 🙂 I hope you are excited because I am!


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