My Inspiration Of Today: What I Learned From Matt Bacak

I was listening to one of his webinars that I was lucky enough to get a few months ago, but not so lucky because I only listened to it today. Matt Bacak said: “People who fail are people who look for ways to fail”. And guess what! He’s so damn right!


I am sure that most of you know who Matt Bacak is. For those of you who don’t, I highly suggest you check him out either on Google or anywhere. Before I go any further, this is in no means a promotional post or something where I will put a link at the end or anything of that sort. I just got another “light bulb moment” this evening when I was listening to what this guy had to say.


What caught my attention the most is what he said about failure. I realized it is so true. We tend to be afraid of success, and automatically, our mind starts playing tricks on us. Our mind starts telling us that it won’t work, it’s too hard, or something or the other. Then, what happens? Instead of trying something, we just decide that it won’t work and we never dive into it. What happens after that? We never taste what success tastes like.


He also mentioned that it’s all about your mindset when you get into something. If you’re getting into it and think of all the ways it could fail, then it WILL fail. However, if you try it and you fail, at least you would have tried. I guess my point is, we shouldn’t let our imaginary limitations stop us. I said imaginary because they are indeed imaginary blocks and obstacles that we put ourselves because we are afraid to succeed.


This post is a bit short compared to my other ones, I know. I just wanted to share what I learned today. It’s probably something that has been repeated to me many times, but when I heard it from Matt Bacak, I understood it because of the way he conveyed his message.


I know that he doesn’t even know who I am or whether I exist ๐Ÿ˜€ but if he ever reads this post one day, I would like to thank him for what he taught me.

25 thoughts on “My Inspiration Of Today: What I Learned From Matt Bacak”

  1. Hello Houda, So you think we should all know who this Matt guy is but I for one had to take your advice and Google his name. Yeppers they say he is a Husband, Dad, Internet Marketer and Entrepreneur. Atlanta, GA.

    I also learned he is considered to be an expert in leads generation area. Now it also sounds to me like this guy has taught you a thing or two about mindset. I truly believe that in business you need to work n your mindset.

    I know I was taught to go to school and find a job and then be faithful to your employer not matter what. That they helped you to pay your bills.. BS!! We need to retrain that way of thinking HUH?

    Even though it was a short post it was power packed with great info! Thanks for sharing..Chery :))
    Chery Schmidt recently posted…Do You Have $10 And A Dream?My Profile

    • Hi Chery! Thank you so much for your comment! I really appreciate it. I completely agree with you; we should change that way of thinking that brainwashes people to study and get a job. I for one, am sick and tired of being a slave to the corporate world.

  2. Matt is right, of course. People program themselves to fail in a great many instances. When they do, they rarely blame themselves, but the program or system or training that they failed to implement adequately.

    It’s not so easy, though, to just walk away from a long history of failure expectations. Instead, you need to reprogram yourself to expect success. It’s not complicated, but it requires dedication, effort and most importantly consistency.

    I teach most of my clients to embrace failure, to seek it and to run headlong into it. That’s because you can’t fail until you’ve tried. So the sooner you expend effort in a failing proposition, the sooner you take action. The sooner you take action, the sooner you can fail, learn from your failure and come back with an improved methodology.

    I suggest, you never have a backup plan, a “plan B.” That’s an anticipation of failure that is almost certain to be self fulfilling. It your mission is a worthy one, you should not every be stopped. There’s no place for a back-up plan, only for improvement and reassessment until you succeed.
    David Merrill 101 recently posted…Techmare on Elm StreetMy Profile

  3. Hi Houdak, you don’t need to write a lot to get a powerful point across as you did here. Just look at the meaning included in a good one line quote.

    Don’t you think fear of failure as well as fear of success is a factor in holding us back too?

    While we shouldn’t put obstacles in our way, when it comes to major actions or decisions we do need to objectively think of the cons as well as the pros. When we let our fears and hangups get in the way we don’t think objectively and we make the disadvantages outweigh the advantages. recently posted…Marketing Tips That Don’t WorkMy Profile

  4. What a great lesson Houda!

    Isn’t it strange, that no matter endeavor you undertake, it always seem to boil down to what type of mindset that you (either) go into it with or what kind that you develop as you continue your journey.

    And no matter which path you ultimately choose, you’ve got to b mindful of your all important mindset! Well said and thanks for sharing!
    Mark recently posted…So What Do Adult Elephants And Your Personal Development Have In Common?My Profile

  5. I am going to have to look up Matt. I have really started to seek out coaches and mentors that will help remind me why I’m on the path I’m on. It’s cause I am good at it and it makes me happy. My husband does well in the corporate setting, but it is definitely not for everyone!
    Heather recently posted…Growing Your BrandMy Profile

  6. I agree about imaginary limitations and mindset and fears that we sabotage our success with. Absolutely. I have a different view of failure, though. I see “failures” as steps along the way to success because there will often be fears or limiting beliefs or obstacles that we need to overcome . . . and stumbling as we do that isn’t a “failure” to me. As long as we keep going, anyway :).
    Leanne Chesser recently posted…Fear is the Mind KillerMy Profile

  7. Houda,

    You have said so much in this short post. First, you explained what I am seeing all over the place, people who see the possible failures instead of visualizing their success.

    The other important thing you said, probably without even realizing it, is that if we put ourselves out there and try something – even if we don’t reach the success or achieve our end goals – we are affecting others all along the way. Not only did Matt Bacak’s words affect you, somehow he has never met, but then YOU shared his words, so his words are affectin me and all the others who are reading your blog post. So his words are going viral – and who knows whether he has actually reached the level of success he thinks he wants to attain.


    Dr. Erica
    Dr. Erica Goodstone recently posted…Do You Know The Secret For Creating A Long Lasting Happy Relationship?My Profile

  8. Hi Houda,
    thanks for introducing me to Matt Bacak.

    Yes, our limited programming from the past can cause us to not achieve the success we want.
    From my own experience it can take more then just consciously changing our thoughts, even though it does help to some extend.

    I appreciate that you shared this!
    Yorinda Wanner recently posted…Empathy versus SympathyMy Profile

  9. Hi Houda, I agree too, that your mind can make or break your business! However, I’m not so sure that we should “give it a try”, if our mind is convinced we are going to fail! I believe we’re better off to change our mindset about the specific “thing” BEFORE giving it a try. If we can “align ourselves” with what we’re going to do beforehand, we’re going to have a much bigger chance of succeeding. We’ve got to believe it will work, before it actually WILL work.
    Julieanne van Zyl recently posted…The F..t From HellMy Profile

  10. Fear of failure definitely keeps people from trying new things out… Sometimes, the fear of success is just as detrimental.
    Like you mentioned in your post, I am sure you have probably heard Matt’s message many times from many people… However, at those times your mind wasn’t ready to process and act upon it. Now it seems like it is ready, and I wish you a very happy journey in your pursuit of the message.
    Jimmy recently posted…Journey To Internet Success: 8 Key Stepping Stones Along the PathMy Profile

  11. Taking risks is a part of life. It is my opinion that those willing to take more risks in life has the opportunity for much more enjoyment in their lives.


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